Are Longboard and Skateboard Bearings the Same

by | May 30, 2023 | Blog

When it comes to longboarding and skateboarding, the components used play a significant role in the overall performance and riding experience. Bearings, in particular, are vital for both longboards and skateboards, enabling smooth spinning and reducing friction.

longboard and skateboard bearings are the same. They are both 608RS bearings, which are the standard size for skateboard and longboard wheels. The only difference is that longboard bearings may have built-in spacers, which help to keep the bearings aligned and prevent them from wobbling.

Bearings are an essential part of a longboard or skateboard, as they allow the wheels to spin freely. The better the quality of the bearings, the smoother and faster your board will ride.

When choosing bearings, it is important to consider the ABEC rating. ABEC stands for Annular Bearing Engineers Committee, and it is a measure of the precision of the bearing. The higher the ABEC rating, the more precise the bearing, and the smoother and faster your board will ride.

However, it is important to note that ABEC ratings are not always strictly regulated, so there may not always be a big difference in performance between different ABEC ratings.

This article aims to explore the question: Are longboard and skateboard bearings the same?

Are Longboard and Skateboard Bearings the Same

There are some factors that you should know about the longboard and skateboard bearings.

Understanding Bearings and Their Importance

Before we delve into the similarities and differences between longboard and skateboard bearings, let’s first understand what bearings are and why they are crucial. Bearings are small, circular components that fit inside the wheels of longboards and skateboards.

They consist of inner and outer races, ball bearings, and bearing shields. The primary purpose of bearings is to allow the wheels to spin smoothly with minimal friction, providing riders with a seamless and enjoyable experience.

The Similarities Between Longboard and Skateboard Bearings

Are Longboard and Skateboard Bearings the Same

Longboard and skateboard bearings share several similarities due to their comparable functions and requirements. The following points highlight the similarities between these two types of bearings:

Diameter and Composition

Both longboard and skateboard bearings typically have a diameter of 7 millimeters. In terms of material composition, steel and ceramic are commonly used for manufacturing these bearings .

The Functions of Bearings on Longboards and Skateboards

Now that we understand the similarities, let’s explore the functions of bearings on both longboards and skateboards.

Keeping Wheels in Place

One of the primary functions of bearings is to keep the wheels securely attached to the longboard or skateboard. Bearings prevent the wheels from sliding off while providing stability during rides

Facilitating Smooth Spinning with Minimal Friction

Bearings enable the wheels to spin smoothly by reducing friction. This smooth spinning enhances the riding experience, allowing riders to maintain momentum and maneuver with ease.

Impact on Speed and Performance

High-quality bearings contribute to the overall speed and performance of both longboards and skateboards. They minimize energy loss due to friction, allowing riders to achieve greater speeds and perform various tricks and maneuvers .

Installing Bearings on Longboards and Skateboards

Proper installation of bearings is essential to ensure optimal performance. Here’s a brief overview of the installation process:

Installing Bearings in Wheels

To install bearings, simply push them into the wheels until they are fully seated. This process is relatively easy and can be done by most riders.

Bearing Spacers and Their Role

A bearing spacer is a cylindrical metal component placed between the two bearings on a wheel. It helps distribute weight evenly across each bearing, resulting in a more comfortable and stable riding experience. Additionally, speed washers can be used to fit between bearing axles and truck hangers, increasing the lifespan and efficiency of the bearings.

The Differences Between Longboard and Skateboard Bearings

While longboard and skateboard bearings share many similarities, there are a few differences to consider:

Width of Bearing Spacers:

The width of bearing spacers differs depending on whether you are using them for a longboard or a skateboard. This variation in spacer width ensures compatibility and proper alignment of the bearings with the specific board type .

Effect on Riding Comfort and Stability

Due to the difference in board size and riding style, longboard bearings may offer a slightly smoother and more stable ride compared to skateboard bearings. However, the impact of these differences may vary depending on individual preferences and riding conditions.


In conclusion, longboard and skateboard bearings share many similarities in terms of diameter and composition. They both serve the essential functions of keeping wheels in place and facilitating smooth spinning with minimal friction.

While there are slight differences in bearing spacers’ width and the impact on riding comfort and stability, the overall functionality remains quite similar. It is important to choose bearings that are compatible with the specific board type and consider individual riding preferences.

Longboard and skateboard bearings are the same. They are both 608RS bearings, which are the standard size for skateboard and longboard wheels. The only difference is that longboard bearings may have built-in spacers, which help to keep the bearings aligned and prevent them from wobbling.

When choosing bearings, it is important to consider the ABEC rating, the material, and the price. It is also important to experiment and find a set that feels good to you.


Can I use skateboard bearings on a longboard, or vice versa?

 Yes, you can use skateboard bearings on a longboard, and vice versa, as long as they have the same diameter and proper installation is ensured .

How often should I clean and lubricate my longboard or skateboard bearings?

Regular maintenance is important to ensure optimal performance. Cleaning and lubricating the bearings should be done periodically, depending on the frequency and intensity of your rides. It is recommended to clean and lubricate them every few months or whenever you notice a decrease in performance or increased friction.

Can I upgrade my bearings for better performance?

Yes, upgrading your bearings to higher-quality ones can improve performance by reducing friction and potentially increasing speed. However, it is important to consider other factors such as riding style, board setup, and personal preferences when choosing new bearings.

Is it possible to mix different types of bearings on a longboard or skateboard?

While it is technically possible to mix different types of bearings on a board, it is generally not recommended. Mixing bearings can lead to uneven performance, potential instability, and increased wear on the bearings. It is best to use a consistent set of bearings for optimal results.

Are longboard and skateboard bearings the same?

Yes, longboard and skateboard bearings are the same. They are both 608RS bearings, which are the standard size for skateboard and longboard wheels. The only difference is that longboard bearings may have built-in spacers, which help to keep the bearings aligned and prevent them from wobbling.

What is the ABEC rating of longboard and skateboard bearings?

The ABEC rating of longboard and skateboard bearings is a measure of the precision of the bearing. The higher the ABEC rating, the more precise the bearing, and the smoother and faster your board will ride.

However, it is important to note that ABEC ratings are not always strictly regulated, so there may not always be a big difference in performance between different ABEC ratings.

What material are longboard and skateboard bearings made of?

Longboard and skateboard bearings are typically made of steel or ceramic. Steel bearings are the most common, but they can be prone to rust and corrosion. Ceramic bearings are more durable and resistant to rust, but they are also more expensive.

How do I choose longboard and skateboard bearings?

When choosing longboard and skateboard bearings, it is important to consider the following factors:
ABEC rating
It is also important to experiment and find a set that feels good to you.

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